
Body Worker, Threshold Companion, Artist, Dream Worker
I received my massage training at The Florida School of Massage in 2011. Since that time, I have studied extensively with Deane Juhan in Resistance & Release work and I continue to assist him in teaching around the country. I completed a year long mentor study and several other courses with Giorgia Milne in Biodynamic Cranial Approach, which is a lovely complement to the more active Resistance & Release and the Connective Tissue Therapy, Deep Presence and traditional massage which round out my Integrative Body Work.
As I continue deeply engaging with the body/mind/spirit through Integrative Bodywork and Deep Presence, I am looking very forward to working with more souls on the land as well, guiding souls through Rites of Passage and Awakening to their True Nature. Enhancing soul attunement via bodywork, I cherish opportunities to be a fellow traveler to those choosing the life-long path of soul re-membering. My recent training in Wilderness Rites of Passage with the School of Lost Borders further reinforced that my deepest calling has always been to the work of the soul in concert and reciprocity with Nature.
Dream work is an inspiring and transformative portal to learning about the wider arc of one’s larger story in life and decoding one’s own unique symbolic language. I have been working with dreams for decades, keeping a dream log for 30+ years now, and it has been so rewarding to lead local dream circles and experience the honor of giving private dream consultations.
Photography and art have been integral parts of my life since the mid eighties, and continue to inform my life's work daily.

Honor Woodard, BFA, LMT
"...to be human is to become visible while carrying what is hidden as a gift to others..." - David Whyte