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“In seeking after what the soul desires, we become pilgrims with no home but the path the soul would have us follow.”
      --Michael Meade, "Fate and Destiny"


A strong container for work in the threshold is imperative. To be held and witnessed in our most tender transitions is a powerful ally as we become more fully human. Stepping into the dark places with eyes open… walking into the light of dawn knowing we have risked ourselves… returning with unexpected tools and treasures, we need to be seen, our stories must be shared and received as we lean into vibrant becoming. We are here to sit with you in your becoming, to hold space where your own ears, eyes, heart and soul can more clearly see, hear and feel the powerful images of your very own journey.


Honor Woodard, Fellow Traveler

Threshold companion, soul path walker, hearth tender, miner of dream gold, maker of healing images and integrative bodyworker, Honor has gone to Nature for guidance since she was a child. As long as she can remember, Honor has longed to serve people who desire to uncover their authenticity and soul callings, and she has found in Nature and Rites of Passage on the land richly rewarding paths of discovery. 


Evolving her relationship to the more than human world and the wild rivers and forests where she roams, Honor has honed her attentiveness to the elements, orienting and attuning to soul and authentic remembering. Finding her way by feel, bodily sensing and deep listening, Honor cherishes the opportunity to be a fellow traveler to those choosing the path of soul-remembering.


After a decade of practicing integrative bodywork and cultivating her deepening presence, Honor is weaving the threads of her healing arts practice with her skills in dreamwork, soul work and self generated ceremony, culminating in Soul Nature, offering programs to support soul work and rites of passage. 


In the last year, Honor fasted and trained as a Threshold Guide with the School of Lost Borders, and she is excited to be able to provide a more accessible container for this kind of deepening and growth to her community. 

Mic (pronounced as Mick), Fellow Traveler

Always somewhere 'almost home', to his pilgrim soul the road is home.

Mic grew up living in the in-between spaces of reality (outer and inner worlds), identity, age, gender, and culture initiating him early on into humanity.  His childhood was spent questioning his own existence on earth and the deep inquiry of a 'God' in the midst of blatant injustices and numbing apathy he observed while growing up in the impoverished slums in the Philippines.  

Finding solace and a sense of deep belonging in nature, he learned what beauty, kindness, service, courage, authenticity, and love are.  Nature was, and is, a mirror, a teacher of how to live, how to be human.  

After attending his first wilderness rites of passage in 2017,  Mic fell in love with the practice of council and the intentional marking of life transitions.  He left corporate America and trained with the School of Lost Borders as a guide. He now spends his time between Spain and the US, as a rites of passage guide, writer, builder of odds and ends, and an aspiring food grower.

Find his programs here:


Over the years of my becoming, I have learned to listen and inquire. From art to bodywork to soul work and dream work - deep and attentive listening is what is needed. Inquiry to the body, to the soul and its language, to Nature as a vessel of both our souls and our bodies along with the wisdom they offer whenever and wherever we seek. When we locate ourselves, we can reorient.  


I offer questions and reflections - not answers. Your body, your soul, your reflections in Nature point to the answers. We can learn together how to ask better questions, how to listen to our bodies, our dreams, the stirrings of our souls in the larger field around us and within us. In group work, we receive the gifts of a larger and more complex field, though greater skill and patience may be required to navigate such a many-layered container. The rewards are great, as the well is vastly deeper when we share in the journey together. For in reflecting each other, we learn that the deeper threads of all our personal stories are irrevocably woven together in the intricate tapestry of the evolving universe.


I love the magic that emerges when people bring humble and sincere intentions into the sacred container of a group in wild places. It allows us to receive the gifts of seeing ourselves more clearly - hearing our own voices in the spaciousness of a listening realm.       


Honor Woodard / March 2022

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